RHV 4.2: Using rhv-log-collector-analyzer to assess your virtualization environment

RHV 4.2 includes a tool that allows to quickly analyze your RHV environment. It bases its analysis in either a logcollector report (sosreport and others), or it can connect live to you environment and generate some nice JSON or HTML output.

NOTE : This article is deprecated and is only left for historical reasons.

rhv-log-collector-analyzer now only supports live reporting, so use the method rhv-log-collector-analyzer --live to grab a snapshot of your deployment and verify its status.

You'll find it already installed in RHV 4.2 , and gathering a report is as easy as:

# rhv-log-collector-analyzer --live
Generating reports:
Generated analyzer_report.html

If you need to assess an existing logcollector report on a new system that never had a running RHV-Manager, things get a bit more complicated:

root@localhost # yum install -y ovirt-engine
root@localhost # su - postgres
postgres@localhost ~ # source scl_source enable rh-postgresql95
postgres@localhost ~ # cd /tmp
postgres@localhost /tmp # time rhv-log-collector-analyzer  /tmp/sosreport-LogCollector-20181106134555.tar.xz

Preparing environment:
Temporary working directory is /tmp/tmp.do6qohRDhN
Unpacking postgres data. This can take up to several minutes.
sos-report extracted into: /tmp/tmp.do6qohRDhN/unpacked_sosreport
pgdump extracted into: /tmp/tmp.do6qohRDhN/pg_dump_dir
Welcome to unpackHostsSosReports script!
Extracting sosreport from hypervisor HYPERVISOR1 in /tmp/ovirt-log-collector-analyzer-hosts/HYPERVISOR1
Extracting sosreport from hypervisor HYPERVISOR2 in /tmp/ovirt-log-collector-analyzer-hosts/HYPERVISOR2
Extracting sosreport from hypervisor HYPERVISOR3 in /tmp/ovirt-log-collector-analyzer-hosts/HYPERVISOR3
Extracting sosreport from hypervisor HYPERVISOR4 in /tmp/ovirt-log-collector-analyzer-hosts/HYPERVISOR4

Creating a temporary database in /tmp/tmp.do6qohRDhN/postgresDb/pgdata. Log of initdb is in /tmp/tmp.do6qohRDhN/initdb.log

WARNING: enabling "trust" authentication for local connections
You can change this by editing pg_hba.conf or using the option -A, or
--auth-local and --auth-host, the next time you run initdb.
LOG:  redirecting log output to logging collector process
HINT:  Future log output will appear in directory "pg_log".
Importing the dump into a temporary database. Log of the restore process is in /tmp/tmp.do6qohRDhN/db-restore.log

Generating reports:
Generated analyzer_report.html

Cleaning up:
Stopping temporary database
Removing temporary directory /tmp/tmp.do6qohRDhN

You'll find a analyzer_report.html file in your current working directory. It can be reviews with a text-only browser such as lynx/links , or opened with a proper full-blown browser.

Bonus track

Sometimes it can also be helpful to check the database dump that is included in the logcollector report. In order to do that, you can do something like:

Review pg_dump_dir in the log above: /tmp/tmp.do6qohRDhN/pg_dump_dir .

Initiate a new postgres instance as follows :

postgres@localhost $ source scl_source enable rh-postgresql95
postgres@localhost $ export PGDATA=/tmp/foo
postgres@localhost $ initdb -D ${PGDATA} 
postgres@localhost $ /opt/rh/rh-postgresql95/root/usr/libexec/postgresql-ctl start -D ${PGDATA} -s -w -t 30 &
postgres@localhost $ psql -c "create database testengine"
postgres@localhost $ psql -c "create schema testengine"
postgres@localhost $ psql testengine < /tmp/tmp.*/pg_dump_dir/restore.sql

Happy hacking!