


I'm not sure how you've got to this site, but welcome nonetheless!

As you can tell by the domain already, my name is Fran García and this blog tracks my notes regarding Free Software and technology.

I've been been related to FLOSS for a long time; by initiating a Linux User Group when that was a thing, to some minor code contributions in my current role.

For my latest plans see my now page.


If you like what you read here, you can also follow me on:

If you are one of those that still thinks PGP/GPG have any chance of being widely adopted...

   sec   1024D/D99F3DF7 2002-05-19
         Key fingerprint = 3B19 42C4 3EE4 E0CD 6858  88EE 1F27 FF06 D99F 3DF7
   uid                  Francisco Garcia de la Torre <fran@caosdigital.com>
   ssb   2048g/DC2F0D2B 2002-05-19